Warranty Policy

USED CAR AIRBAGS 30-Days Warranty

We have a mechanism for a 30-day warranty on all used auto parts sold. All the warranty should cover damaged parts or items sent in error. However, it covers the damaged or auto parts sent in error. All the auto parts including the labor, cover the warrant. When the parts are damaged, we'll try to repair them or offer a refund amount of the sale if there is no replacement.

If you wish to return a part, please explain and needs to be replaced. Also, the cost of returning the item will be reimbursed.

This ensures the verified experienced mechanic on the specific components requirement is in order. All the items purchased for testing purpose is improperly ordered by the customer and is returned.

Also, note that the Used Car Airbags are not responsible for the items delivered to the specified address when the sale is done but not purchased, as confirmed by tracking information.

When you are supposed to return a parcel, you should not within 30 days from the original delivery date. The products returned after the warranty period and are expired will be replaced and returned to the sender.